7. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – Wild Animals by Fellows


7. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite - Wild Animals by Fellows

tail spin

Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız.

1 / 30

1. Which animal lives in water?

2 / 30

2. We shouldn't - - -.

Which option does NOT complete the sentence?

3 / 30

3. When did dinasours become extinct?

4 / 30


Emine : Why did some animals become extinct?
Nisa : Because, - - -.
Complete the dialogue.

5 / 30


Beyza : Where do the wild animals live?
Sümeyye : ---.
Which option does NOT complete the dialogue?

6 / 30

6. I'm a mammal. I have humps. I live in the desert.

Who am I?

7 / 30


Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

8 / 30

8. Polar bears become endangered because - - -.

Complete the sentence.

9 / 30


Asya : People pollute the nature.
Rana : What should we do?
Asya : - - -.
Diyaloğu tamamlayınız.

10 / 30


1-We --- plant trees.
2-We --- keep the nature clean.
3-We --- hunt animals.
Boşlukları doldurunuz.

11 / 30


Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

12 / 30

People --- hunt wild animals.
People --- protect the habitats of animals.

12. Complete these sentences.

13 / 30


Zeynep : What should we do to protect the wildlife?
Rukiye : - - -.
Complete the dialogue.

14 / 30

14. - - - - is habitat of wild animals.

Complete the sentence.

15 / 30


I have got sharp and big teeth. I’m a reptile. I live both in water and on land.
Who am I?

16 / 30


Tuana : What shouldn't we do to protect the wildlife?
Erva : - - -.
Complete the dialogue.

17 / 30

17. Which of the following is NOT a kind of animal?

18 / 30

18. Forests are the - - - - - of the animals.

Complete the sentence.

19 / 30

19. We shouldn't keep the animals in the - - - -.

Complete the sentence.

20 / 30

20. I can jump high and I carry my baby in my pocket. I’m a herbivore.

Who am I?

21 / 30

21. We should - - - -.

Which option completes this sentence?

22 / 30

22. Some shark species are in danger because ---.

Which option completes this sentence?

23 / 30


Hangileri yanlış gruptadır?

24 / 30

24. We should - - - -.

Which option does NOT complete the sentence?

25 / 30

25. - - - - is the largest bird. It has huge wings and strong eyes.

Complete the sentence.

26 / 30


Name : Eagle
Habitat : Mountains
Kind : Reptile
Endangered : No
Hangi bilgi yanlıştır?

27 / 30


I’m a carnivore. I can run faster than any other animals on the earth.
Who am I?

28 / 30

28. We shouldn't - - -.

Which option completes this sentence?

29 / 30

29. Which animal is becoming extinct?

30 / 30

30. Which animal has long legs?

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