Anasayfa/7. Sınıf Testleri/7.Sınıf İngilizce/7. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – Wild Animals by Fellows 7. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – Wild Animals by Fellows /30 7. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite - Wild Animals by Fellows Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 30 1. Which animal lives in water? monkey giraffe giant panda shark 2 / 30 2. We shouldn't - - -. Which option does NOT complete the sentence? protect wild animals kill the elephants for their tusks destroy the forests hunt all the animals 3 / 30 3. When did dinasours become extinct? It is a herbivore. 70 millions years ago. It lives about 10 years. In cages. 4 / 30 4. Emine : Why did some animals become extinct? Nisa : Because, - - -. Complete the dialogue. people hunted them they eat fish it weighs 50 kg they live in forests 5 / 30 5. Beyza : Where do the wild animals live? Sümeyye : ---. Which option does NOT complete the dialogue? In the sky On land In water For their tusks 6 / 30 6. I'm a mammal. I have humps. I live in the desert. Who am I? lion snake camel falcon 7 / 30 7. HERBIVORES --?-- Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir? tiger zebra snake crocodile 8 / 30 8. Polar bears become endangered because - - -. Complete the sentence. global warming has a negative effect on them they kill each other other wild animals destroyed it the weather is too cold 9 / 30 9. Asya : People pollute the nature. Rana : What should we do? Asya : - - -. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. We should protect endangered animals We should keep the environment clean We should feed street animals We should plant trees 10 / 30 10. 1-We --- plant trees. 2-We --- keep the nature clean. 3-We --- hunt animals. Boşlukları doldurunuz. should / shouldn't / should should / should / shouldn't shouldn't / should / should shouldn't / shouldn't / should 11 / 30 11. CARNIVORES --?-- Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir? lion deer giraffe turtle 12 / 30 People --- hunt wild animals. People --- protect the habitats of animals. 12. Complete these sentences. should / shouldn't shouldn't / should shouldn't / shouldn't should / should 13 / 30 13. Zeynep : What should we do to protect the wildlife? Rukiye : - - -. Complete the dialogue. We should hunt all the animals We should keep seas clean We should cut down trees We should pollute air 14 / 30 14. - - - - is habitat of wild animals. Complete the sentence. Herbivore Pollution Reptile Rainforest 15 / 30 15. I have got sharp and big teeth. I’m a reptile. I live both in water and on land. Who am I? elephants crocodile camel eagle 16 / 30 16. Tuana : What shouldn't we do to protect the wildlife? Erva : - - -. Complete the dialogue. We shouldn't keep seas clean We shouldn't pollute air We shouldn't protect wild life We shouldn't save natural habitat 17 / 30 17. Which of the following is NOT a kind of animal? cages reptiles carnivores mammals 18 / 30 18. Forests are the - - - - - of the animals. Complete the sentence. poisonous habitat cages enormous 19 / 30 19. We shouldn't keep the animals in the - - - -. Complete the sentence. survive cages attack animals 20 / 30 20. I can jump high and I carry my baby in my pocket. I’m a herbivore. Who am I? Lion Kangaroo Monkey Owl 21 / 30 21. We should - - - -. Which option completes this sentence? pollute air wear fur pollute water save natural habitat 22 / 30 22. Some shark species are in danger because ---. Which option completes this sentence? people hunt them for their fins people plant a lot of trees they can't have babies global warming effects negatively 23 / 30 23. Carnivores-->crocodile,elephant,tiger Herbivores-->zebra,giraffe,eagle Hangileri yanlış gruptadır? elephant - eagle elephant - zebra giraffe - tiger crocodile-giraffe 24 / 30 24. We should - - - -. Which option does NOT complete the sentence? save nature protect wild life keep seas clean cut down trees 25 / 30 25. - - - - is the largest bird. It has huge wings and strong eyes. Complete the sentence. Deer Eagle Whale Monkey 26 / 30 26. Name : Eagle Habitat : Mountains Kind : Reptile Endangered : No Hangi bilgi yanlıştır? Endangered : No Name : Eagle Kind : Reptile Habitat : Mountains 27 / 30 27. I’m a carnivore. I can run faster than any other animals on the earth. Who am I? panda camel bear cheetah 28 / 30 28. We shouldn't - - -. Which option completes this sentence? pollute the environment stop hunting protect wild animals plant trees 29 / 30 29. Which animal is becoming extinct? horse dolphin giant panda camel 30 / 30 30. Which animal has long legs? giraffe falcon owl eagle Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin İncelemeye bakın Geri Bildirim Gönder Henüz bir sonuç yok.