7. Sınıf İngilizce Dersi 9 .Ünite Environment Konu Testi 1

7. Sınıf İngilizce Dersi 9 .Ünite Environment konusu ile ilgili ders ve yazılı başarınızı arttıran, aşağıdaki çözümlü testleri sırası ile çözmenizi öneririz. Test bitiminde tüm cevaplarınızı toplu olarak inceleyebilir, sınav derecenizi görebilirsiniz.  Diğer derslere ait testlere ana sayfadan ulaşabilirsiniz.


7. Sınıf İngilizce 9. Ünite - 10899

tail spin

What should we do for our environment?

What should we do to protect our environment?

Which of the following has a bad effect on earth?

Which of the following has a bad effect on environment?

Which of the following has a good effect on environment?

Which of the following has a good effect on nature?

What must we do to save our world?

How to Protect Our Environment

Hangisi bu başlık altına YAZILAMAZ?

How to Protect Our Environment

Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

How to Protect Our World

Hangisi bu başlık altına YAZILAMAZ?

How to Protect Our World

Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

Sevgi : What should we do to protect the nature?
Esra : We should - - - -.
Diyaloğu tamamlayınız.

Ebrar: What shouldn't we do to save the world?
Rukiye: We shouldn't - - - -.
Diyaloğu tamamlayınız.

Nuray : What must we do to save the nature?
Tuana : We must - - - -.
Diyaloğu tamamlayınız.

Hale: What shouldn't we do to protect the world?
Melike: We shouldn't ----.
Diyaloğu tamamlayınız.

If we go on polluting our - - - -, we won't find a place to live.
Hangisi boşluğa GELEMEZ?

Everybody should take actions to - - - - the animals and rainforests.
Boşluğu doldurunuz.

Rainforests are important for the - - - - of the nature.
Boşluğu doldurunuz.

We can recycle - - - -.

Hangisi bu cümleyi TAMAMLAMAZ?

We can recycle - - - -.

Hangisi bu cümleyi tamamlar?

Which of the following words is related to environment?

Which of the following words is NOT related to environment?

Which of the following is a problem about nature?

Which of the following is a problem for the environment?

Which of the following is a problem for the world?

Which of the following is a solution to save the world?

Which of the following is a solution to protect the environment?

Which of the following is a solution to protect the nature?

Seda : What should we do to stop air pollution?
Melisa : We should - - - -.

You - - - - switch off the lights to save energy when you don’t use.
Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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