8. Sınıf İngilizce 7. Ünite – CHORES BY FELLOWS


8. Sınıf İngilizce 8. Ünite - CHORES BY FELLOWS

tail spin

Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız.

1 / 30


mop the - - - -
vacuum the - - - -
Hangisi her iki boşluk için de uygundur?

2 / 30


Gül is in charge of - - - - his sister on weekdays.
Complete the sentence.

Question Image

3 / 30

3. Hilal needs to do the - - - - shopping.

Complete the sentence.

4 / 30

4. - - - - the clothes is my responsibility.

Complete the sentence.

5 / 30


Nurbahar : What are your duties at school?
Rümeysa : - - - -.

6 / 30

6. Which of the following is a school rule?

7 / 30


- - - - the toys is a good responsibility for the children.
Complete the sentence.

8 / 30

8. Özge sets the table - - - - dinner.

Complete the sentence.

9 / 30


ELA: mop the floor SILA: ironing
EDA: sweep the leaves SEDA: set the table
Who does an outdoor task?

10 / 30


Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

11 / 30


Esra : What are your responsibilities at home?
Rahime : - - - -.

12 / 30

12. Elife is responsible for - - - - the table.

Complete the sentence.

13 / 30


Kevin is in charge of taking the garbage out.
Hangisi bu cümleyle aynı anlama sahiptir?

14 / 30

14. Kübra has to do the grocery shopping. Because, she is responsible for - - - -.

15 / 30

15. - - - - the dishes

Hangileri bu boşluk için uygundur?

16 / 30

16. Which of the following is a library rule?

17 / 30

17. In our family, everybody has - - - -.

Which of the following does NOT complete this sentence?

18 / 30

18. Rümeysa is responsible for - - - - the dishwasher.

19 / 30

19. Which of the following is a school rule?

20 / 30


TIM: wash the car TOM: wash the dishes
TED: make the bed MARK: mow the lawn
Who is in the kitchen?

21 / 30


- - - - the shelves
- - - - the furniture
Hangisi her iki boşluk için de uygundur?

22 / 30

22. Zeynep has to cook. Because, she is responsible for duties - - - -.

23 / 30


SENA: do the laundry AZRA: cook
AFRA: go shopping GÜL: hang out the clothes
Who prepares the meals?

24 / 30

24. It is necessary to - - - - now.

Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız.

Question Image

25 / 30

25. Şevval has to mow the grass. Because, she is in charge of tasks - - - -.

26 / 30


Steven likes - - - - the plants every weekend.
Complete the sentence.

27 / 30


vacuum the carpet / dust the shelves / take out the garbage
Hangisi uygun bir başlık DEĞİLDİR?

28 / 30


Sena washes the clothes. Because, she’s responsible for - - - -.
Complete the sentence.

29 / 30

29. Who talks about his / her obligation?

30 / 30


Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

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