8. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – On The Phone by Fellows


8. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite - On The Phone by Fellows

tail spin

Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız.

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1. I use smartphone applications to - - - -.

Hangisi bu cümleyi TAMAMLANAMAZ?

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talking face to face :)
sending e mails :(

2. Bilgilere göre hangisi doğrudur?

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3. Asya: Hi!This is Asya.I want a room for two for the weekend.

Asya calls customer service to - - -.

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- - - ? - - -

4. Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

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5. - - - a minute. I will get him.

Hangisi bu boşluğu DOLDURMAZ?

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6. If you want to call your friend, you should - - - the numbers.

Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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7. Someone calls your father but he is not at home now. What do you say?

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Rümeysa: Can I speak to Lisa?
Azra: I'm sorry she isn't - - - now.
Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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Kübra : For what purposes do you phone a call center?
Elif : - - - .
Hangisi diyaloğu TAMAMLAMAZ?

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10. I think the best way of communication is - - -.

Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz.

Question Image

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11. Özge : I want to share my clothes with people.

Özge will - - - clothes for people in need.

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12. There are a lot of ways to - - - with people. I prefer calling them.

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.

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13. You can - - - with me via e-mail.

Hangisi bu boşluğu DOLDURMAZ?

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Nisa:Can you tell your phone number?
Nisa:Say your phone number.
Diyaloğu tamamlayınız.

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15. If you have a problem about your product, you can contact with - - - -.

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.

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Ela : - - - invented the first printing machine?
Azra : Johannes Gutenberg.
Diyaloğu tamamlayınız.

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17. You call the call center to learn the price of a one way ticket. What do you say?

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18. Taha uses - - - because he can share photos and comment on his friends' photos.

Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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19. Which of the following is an old fashioned way of communication?

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20. I don’t like - - - -. I prefer talking face to face.

Cümleyi tamamlayınız.

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21. I believe they will - - - - for a clean environment.

Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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22. Can you - - - him to call me as soon as possible?

Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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I can’t hear you well. It’s a - - -. Could you repeat that please?
Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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24. Sinem : I call to learn the time of the rock concert.

Sinem contacts with call center to - - - .

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- - - ? - - -

25. Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir?

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26. Rümeysa Azra likes meeting her friends at a cafe and talking - - - .

Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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27. What do you say If you want to leave a message?

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28. I always send - - - to my buddies to keep in touch with them.

Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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- - - ? - - -

29. Hangisi bu başlık altına YAZILAMAZ?

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30. Fahriye - - - to her friends because to her, it is easy and cheap.

Boşluğu doldurunuz.

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