Anasayfa/8. Sınıf Testleri/8.Sınıf İngilizce/8. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – On The Phone by Fellows 8. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – On The Phone by Fellows /30 8. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite - On The Phone by Fellows Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 30 1. I use smartphone applications to - - - -. Hangisi bu cümleyi TAMAMLANAMAZ? order something to eat use smoke signals play an educative game learn how to cook 2 / 30 talking face to face :) sending e mails :( 2. Bilgilere göre hangisi doğrudur? Teens like sending e-mails the most. Teens are crazy about meeting up and chatting. Teens prefer sending e mails to talking face to face. Teens dislike talking face to face. 3 / 30 3. Asya: Hi!This is Asya.I want a room for two for the weekend. Asya calls customer service to - - -. change a product book a flight ticket book at a hotel get information about donation 4 / 30 INTRODUCE YOURSELF - - - ? - - - 4. Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir? I’m afraid he is not available at the moment. I’ll get back to you in an hour. This is Leyla calling. Don’t hang up the phone, please. 5 / 30 5. - - - a minute. I will get him. Hangisi bu boşluğu DOLDURMAZ? Hang on Wait Hold on Hang up 6 / 30 6. If you want to call your friend, you should - - - the numbers. Boşluğu doldurunuz. contact dial pick up send 7 / 30 7. Someone calls your father but he is not at home now. What do you say? I'm afraid he has gone out. Can you repeat that, please? Can you tell him to call me back? Hang on. I will get her. 8 / 30 8. Rümeysa: Can I speak to Lisa? Azra: I'm sorry she isn't - - - now. Boşluğu doldurunuz. engaged busy use available 9 / 30 9. Kübra : For what purposes do you phone a call center? Elif : - - - . Hangisi diyaloğu TAMAMLAMAZ? To buy something To learn about a bill To send a letter To book a flight ticket 10 / 30 10. I think the best way of communication is - - -. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. sending a letter sending a message sending an email sending postcards 11 / 30 11. Özge : I want to share my clothes with people. Özge will - - - clothes for people in need. speak report donate change 12 / 30 12. There are a lot of ways to - - - with people. I prefer calling them. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. send communicate donate hold on 13 / 30 13. You can - - - with me via e-mail. Hangisi bu boşluğu DOLDURMAZ? communicate interact contact get on well 14 / 30 14. Nisa:Can you tell your phone number? Ayşe:---? Nisa:Say your phone number. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. What is your your number? Can I take your name Would you like to leave a message Can you say it slowly, please 15 / 30 15. If you have a problem about your product, you can contact with - - - -. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. call center your friend smartphone applications phone number 16 / 30 16. Ela : - - - invented the first printing machine? Azra : Johannes Gutenberg. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. How What Who Why 17 / 30 17. You call the call center to learn the price of a one way ticket. What do you say? It’s a bad line. Could you speak louder, please? Hold on a moment, please. How much is a single ticket? I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll meet up later, then. 18 / 30 18. Taha uses - - - because he can share photos and comment on his friends' photos. Boşluğu doldurunuz. social networks printing machine postcards smoke signals 19 / 30 19. Which of the following is an old fashioned way of communication? sending a letter face to face interaction social media texting a messge 20 / 30 20. I don’t like - - - -. I prefer talking face to face. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. practising my lessons meeting up sharing homework online communication 21 / 30 21. I believe they will - - - - for a clean environment. Boşluğu doldurunuz. give medical care help disabled children collect garbage send materials 22 / 30 22. Can you - - - him to call me as soon as possible? Boşluğu doldurunuz. pay wait leave tell 23 / 30 23. I can’t hear you well. It’s a - - -. Could you repeat that please? Boşluğu doldurunuz. leave a message phone rings meet up bad line 24 / 30 24. Sinem : I call to learn the time of the rock concert. Sinem contacts with call center to - - - . make a complaint return a product report problems with delivery get information about an event 25 / 30 WAYS OF COMMUNICATION - - - ? - - - 25. Hangisi bu başlık altına yazılabilir? bad line put through social networking sites call center 26 / 30 26. Rümeysa Azra likes meeting her friends at a cafe and talking - - - . Boşluğu doldurunuz. on the phone face to face return ticket smartphones 27 / 30 27. What do you say If you want to leave a message? Would you like to leave a message? Could you tell her to call me as soon as possible? Could you repeat the phone number, please? May I speak to your brother? 28 / 30 28. I always send - - - to my buddies to keep in touch with them. Boşluğu doldurunuz. a vacation an appointment a message a phone 29 / 30 WAYS OF COMMUNICATION - - - ? - - - 29. Hangisi bu başlık altına YAZILAMAZ? send an e-mail text a message face to face flight ticket 30 / 30 30. Fahriye - - - to her friends because to her, it is easy and cheap. Boşluğu doldurunuz. makes a phone call texts a message sends a postcard goes to a cafe Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin Geri Bildirim Gönder Henüz bir sonuç yok.