Anasayfa/6. Sınıf Testleri/6.Sınıf İngilizce/6. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Ünite – Downtown by Fellows 6. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Ünite – Downtown by Fellows /30 6. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Ünite - Downtown by Fellows Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 30 1. They are - - - - to their favourite music band. sleeping walking taking a nap listening 2 / 30 2. Banana--> 14 TL Apple--> 8 TL Apple is - - - than banana. Bilgilere göre boşluğu doldurunuz. cheaper more expensive slimmer more handsome 3 / 30 3. Sarah is playing - - - with her friends. Boşluğu doldurunuz. mountain tennis horse bike 4 / 30 4. Tuna is - - - . He should go on a diet. Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. tall noisy busy fat 5 / 30 5. Beyza is 45 kg and Fatma is 35 kg. Beyza is - - - than Fatma. Bilgilere göre boşluğu doldurunuz. thinner slimmer fatter taller 6 / 30 6. village life --> __?__ Soru işareti yerine hangisi yazılabilir? busier skyscrapers noisier cheaper 7 / 30 7. big - __?__ __?__ - more crowded bad - __?__ Boşlukları sırasıyla doldurunuz. bigger - more crowded - bad big - more crowded - bad bigger - crowded - worse big - crowded - worse 8 / 30 8. I don't like village life because - - - -. Cümleyi tamamlayınız. it is cleaner than city life it is quiter than city life it is more relaxing than city life it is more boring than city life 9 / 30 9. Nisa->prepare barbeque Ayşe->swim Dila->skip rope Sude->make a cake Who is on the picnic? Sude Dila Ayşe Nisa 10 / 30 10. Cemile is - - - - at home at the moment. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. feeding the cat studying her lesson resting walking 11 / 30 11. My grandfather is - - - his newspaper after breakfast. Boşluğu doldurunuz. climbing riding having reading 12 / 30 12. Arda is - - - at his bakery right now. Verilen resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. selling bread walking in the park feeding the street dogs preparing the barbeque 13 / 30 13. She --- reading a book. I --- swimming. We --- skipping ropes. Boşlukları sırasıyla doldurunuz. am / are / is is / am / are am / is / are are / am / is 14 / 30 14. My brother and I are - - - in the park now. Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. playing with a ball flying our kites waiting for the bus drawing pictures 15 / 30 15. My best friend and I are - - - - in the park now. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. riding our bikes swimming in the pool reading books skipping ropes 16 / 30 16. Ahsen-->130 cm Ayşe-->125 cm Ayşe is - - - - than Ahsen. Bilgilere göre boşluğu doldurunuz. younger more difficult shorter more expensive 17 / 30 17. healthy - __?__ __?__ - more enjoyable exciting - __?__ Boşlukları sırasıyla doldurunuz. healthy - more enjoyable - more exciting healthy - enjoyable - exciting healthier - more enjoyable - exctiting healthier - enjoyable - more exciting 18 / 30 18. Sema --- walking. Gül and Ali --- swinging. Esma --- swimming. Boşlukları sırasıyla doldurunuz. am / are / is is / are / am are / am / are is / are / is 19 / 30 19. --- on the monkey bar --- with a ball --- football Bu ifadeler için hangi kelimeyi ortak kullanırız? read go feed play 20 / 30 20. Konya--> 2.250.020 Muş --> 411.117 Konya is - - - - than Muş. Bilgilere göre boşluğu doldurunuz. more crowded slower more beautiful quiter 21 / 30 21. I think the village life is better because - - - . Cümleyi tamamlayınız. it is more crowded than city life it is more boring than city life it is more peaceful than city life it is more difficult than city life 22 / 30 22. city life --> __?__ Soru işareti yerine hangi ifade YAZILAMAZ? noisy streets tall buildings quiter and greener traffic jam 23 / 30 23. Van -8 C Ankara 2 C Ankara is - - - than Van. Bilgilere göre boşluğu doldurunuz. colder bigger hotter smaller 24 / 30 24. The village life is - - - - than the city life. Boşluğu doldurunuz. taller more crowded more relaxing shorter 25 / 30 25. Zehra is nine. Elif is thirteen. Elif is - - - than Zehra. Verilen bilgiye göre boşluğu doldurunuz. younger shorter slimmer older 26 / 30 26. Ali->wait for the bus Veli->swing Can->swim Cem->sell bread Who is in the park? Can Ali Cem Veli 27 / 30 27. Kamil is - - - the flowers in the garden now. Boşluğu doldurunuz. reading cleaning riding watering 28 / 30 28. hot - __?__ __?__ - cheaper good - __?__ Soru işaretli yerleri sırasıyla doldurunuz. hotter - cheaper - better hotter - cheap - better hot - cheap - better hot - cheaper - good 29 / 30 29. Cenk->skip rope İrem->make a cake Elif->fly a kite Berk->rollerblade Who is in the kitchen? Elif Cenk İrem Berk 30 / 30 30. Firdevs is - - - - the chickens. Boşluğu doldurunuz. playing running feeding climbing Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin Geri Bildirim Gönder Henüz bir sonuç yok.