Anasayfa/8. Sınıf Testleri/8.Sınıf İngilizce/8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite – The Internet 8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite – The Internet /29 8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite - The Internet Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 29 1. A: ................... uses the Internet in your family? B: My father. Why When Who What 2 / 29 2. If you are online more than five ours a day, you are.... keyboard search engine web site an internet addict 3 / 29 3. A:Which device do you usually prefer when you use the Internet? B: .......................... I prefer search engines when I go online I usually play computer games I prefer web browsers when I go online I prefer my laptop when I go online. 4 / 29 4. Kemal: you think about the Internet? Önder: It's necessary for everyone. Which What Who When 5 / 29 5. I...................videos about pollution, homeless people and street animals. post answer write read 6 / 29 6. "password" means............... to write your password to access a website to get an account to press a button on the mouse or keyboard a secret word or combination of letters and numbers 7 / 29 7. We use ....................... to find information on te net. chat programmes keyboard search engine game sites 8 / 29 8. A: ............. do you pay for the Internet use every month? B: 120 TL. It is very expensive. How much How many When Who 9 / 29 9. A: What do you usually buy online? B:................................... I sometimes buy books and clothes. I always use my laptop to go online I always use my smartphone to go online. I usually play computer games 10 / 29 10. A: you usually access the Internet? B: I use my smartphone. Who What Why How 11 / 29 11. A: ...................... do you use the internet? B: Every day. I am an internet addict. Who How often Why What 12 / 29 12. Chrome is a ................................ search engine game mouse web browser 13 / 29 13. A:What do you usually do on the Internet? B:.............................................. I usually visit useful websites to practice my English. She usually play computer games They use social media I connect to the Internet using my smartphone. 14 / 29 14. A:...................... hours do you spend on the Internet? B: Usally two hours How many What Why How often 15 / 29 15. Would you be interested ............ joining us? in on at of 16 / 29 16. What ................... you usually do on the internet? is do are like 17 / 29 17. Do you have an email......................? register address mouse cat 18 / 29 18. "What does it mean" cümlesinin yerine..... kullanabiliriz. Can you register it Can I explain it Can you pay it Can you explain it 19 / 29 19. "click" means ................ to write your password to access a website a secret word or combination of letters and numbers to press a button on the mouse or keyboard to get an account 20 / 29 20. A: Is your PC online or offline? B: ...................... I like online games It is expensive It is online It is cheap 21 / 29 21. A:Having online friends is dangerous. B: What do you mean? A: I mean............ there isn’t a connection sign. I can’t access to the Internet from my PC. some people pretend to be younger when online. you should register to the site first. 22 / 29 22. "register" means....... to press a button on the mouse or keyboard to get an account a flat surface, part of a computer showing pictures and words to write your password to access a website 23 / 29 23. "post" means ...... to press a button on the mouse or keyboard to share writings or pictures on your online wall to write your password to access a website to get an account 24 / 29 24. A:Avoid using dangerous sites. B: What do you mean? A: I mean................... there isn’t a connection sign. you should register to the site first. use safe websites. some people pretend to be younger when online. 25 / 29 25. I use ..................... to look at my friends shares on the net. book pencil social media television 26 / 29 26. I rarely email my friends because............. I prefer texting messages she prefers sending mails they prefer reading emails I don't like texting messages 27 / 29 27. "search engine" means ............... to press a button on the mouse or keyboard to get an account a computer program to find information on the Internet to share writings or pictures on your online wall 28 / 29 28. A:I can’t access to the Internet from my PC. B: What do you mean? A: I mean ........... there isn’t a connection sign. some people pretend to be younger when online. use safe websites. you should register to the site first. 29 / 29 29. A:You must create online identities to log in. B: What do you mean? A: I mean...... you should register to the site first. use safe websites. avoid using dangerous sites. there isn’t a connection sign. Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin Geri Bildirim Gönder Henüz bir sonuç yok.