Anasayfa/5. Sınıf Testleri/5.Sınıf İngilizce/5. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – My Daily Routine by Fellows 5. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite – My Daily Routine by Fellows /30 5. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite - My Daily Routine by Fellows Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 30 1. Wednesday ✓ Saturday X Sally doesn't play the guitar - - - -. Bilgiye göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. on weekdays in the mornings in the evenings on weekends 2 / 30 2. I - - - - at a quarter to eight. Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. wash my face get on the school bus have lessons get dressed 3 / 30 3. What time does he have lunch? (01.00 p.m.) Verilen bilgiye göre soruyu cevaplayınız. At half past one. At one o'clock. At quarter past one. At quarter to one. 4 / 30 4. Get up 07.00-Brush teeth 08.45 Wash hands 07.30-Have lunch 13.30 What does he do at half past one? He brushes his teeth. He wakes up. He has lunch. He washes his hands. 5 / 30 5. Play computer games 08.00 p.m. ✓ 10.00 a.m. X Bu bilgiye göre hangisi doğrudur? You play computer games in the afternoon. You play computer games on weekends. You play computer games in the evenings. You play computer games in the morning. 6 / 30 6. Aylin : - - - -? Sema : I brush my teeth after breakfast. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. What time do you brush your teeth? Who do you brush your teeth? Where do you brush your teeth? When do you brush your teeth? 7 / 30 7. Wake up 07.00-Brush teeth 07.45 Wash face 07.30-Have lunch 11.30 What does she do at seven o'clock? She brushes her teeth. She washes her face. She gets out of the bed. She has lunch. 8 / 30 8. Beste : What do you have for breakfast? Sena : - - -. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. In the morning With my family After breakfast Egg and honey 9 / 30 9. HAVE breakfast lunch --?-- Boşluğa hangisi gelmelidir? sleep teeth dinner dressed 10 / 30 10. What time does he have breakfast? (08.30 a.m.) Verilen bilgiye göre soruyu cevaplayınız. At quarter past eight. At quarter to eight. At eight o'clock. At half past eight. 11 / 30 11. AT HOME --> watch TV, have dinner, play in the park, go to bed Hangisi bu başlığa uygun değildir? go to bed watch TV have dinner play in the park 12 / 30 12. Arda has a shower at half past three. Doğru saat hangisinde verilmiştir? 03.30 03.45 03.15 03.00 13 / 30 13. She - - - - early on weekdays. Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. brushes her teeth does homework gets up has lunch 14 / 30 14. She brushes her teeth after breakfast. Cümlenin olumsuz hali hangisidir? She isn't brushes her teeth after breakfast. She don't brush her teeth after breakfast. She brush her teeth after breakfast. She doesn't brush her teeth after breakfast. 15 / 30 15. Who goes to bed late at nights? Sorunun cevabı hangisidir? At home. My little sister. At half past two. In the evenings. 16 / 30 16. After school, I get back home and - - - -. Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. comb my hair do my homework take to school arrive at school 17 / 30 17. Sıla - - - - with her family in the mornings. Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. does homework drinks a cup of coffee has breakfast has lessons 18 / 30 18. A - 38 = Fifty four ise A kaçtır? Ninety one Ninety three Ninety four Ninety two 19 / 30 19. Esma : Where does Ela have lunch? Zeynep : - - - -. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. At twelve o'clock At noon At the school canteen At quarter past twelve 20 / 30 20. Deren : - - - -? Seyhan : With my family. Diyaloğu tamamlayınız. How many olives do you eat for breakfast? Which day do you go to school? What do you have for lunch? Who do you go to park with? 21 / 30 21. When do you usually have dinner? (06.30 p.m.) Verilen bilgiye göre soruyu cevaplayınız. In the mornings In the evenings In the afternoons at noons 22 / 30 22. WEEKDAYS--> tuesday, saturday, friday, monday Başlığa uygun olmayan kelime hangisidir? friday monday tuesday saturday 23 / 30 23. 22 x A = forty four 14 x B = Fifty six ise A x B = ? Twelve Eight Six Ten 24 / 30 24. A + 18 = Thirty B + 12 = Thirty ise A + B = ? Thirty four Forty Thirty Thirty two 25 / 30 25. Monday ✓ Thursday ✓ Asım watches a movie - - - -. Verilen bilgiye göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. on weekends in the evenings at noons twice a week 26 / 30 26. 15 x 5 = A A - 15 = ? Verilen işlemin sonucu kaçtır? Forty Fifty Seventy Sixty 27 / 30 27. Does he go to school at eight o’ clock? Sorunun cevabı hangisidir? Yes, I do. No, he doesn't. Yes, she does. No, you don't. 28 / 30 28. Does she have lunch at schhol? Sorunun cevabı hangisidir? No, he doesn't. Yes, I do. No, I don't. Yes, she do. 29 / 30 29. AT SCHOOL-->have lessons, lessons start, wake up, have lunch at the canteen Hangi ifade yanlıştır? have lunch at the canteen lessons start wake up have lessons 30 / 30 30. Which classes do you have on Tuesday? Sorunun cevabı hangisidir? At noon. With my brother. At school. Turkish and English. Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin Geri Bildirim Gönder Henüz bir sonuç yok.