Anasayfa/5. Sınıf Testleri/5.Sınıf İngilizce/5. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Ünite – Games and Hobbies by Fellows 5. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Ünite – Games and Hobbies by Fellows /30 5. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Ünite - Games and Hobbies by Fellows Başlamak İçin Adınızı Yazınız. 1 / 30 1. I can swim. I am good at doing puzzles. I am bad at chess. Bilgilere göre hangisi doğrudur? swim :( do puzzles :( play chess :( swim :( do puzzles :) play chess :( swim :) do puzzles :) play chess :) swim :) do puzzles :) play chess :( 2 / 30 2. Sema: I can go skating, do puzzle and play tag but I can't swim. Which activity is Sema bad at? Puzzle Tag Skating Swim 3 / 30 3. I like - - - in my free time. Verilen resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. going hiking playing tennis playing badminton riding a bike 4 / 30 4. (Seyhan) ride a horse :( roller skating :) skip a rope :) Verilen bilgilere göre hangisi doğrudur? Seyhan can't ride a horse and skip a rope. Seyhan can skip a rope and go roller skating. Seyhan can ride a horse and skip a rope. Seyhan can't go roller skating and ride a horse. 5 / 30 5. Canan : I count from 1 to 20 and try to find my friends. Canan hangi oyunu anlatıyor? Hide and seek Table tennis Dodge ball Football 6 / 30 6. Erdem : I need a paper. I fold the paper and shape it. Erdem hangi hobiden bahsediyor? blind man's buff origami collecting stamps camping 7 / 30 7. Selin likes - - - - with their friends at school. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. playing tag playing checkers playing chess playing hopscotch 8 / 30 8. I am bad at origami. I don't like hiking. I dislike dodgeball. Bilgilere göre hangisi doğrudur? origami :( hiking :( dodgeball :) origami :) hiking :( dodgeball :( origami :( hiking :( dodgeball :( origami :) hiking :) dodgeball :( 9 / 30 9. I dislike sculpting. I can take photos. I don't like fishing. Bilgilere göre hangisi doğrudur? sculpting :( take photos :( fishing :( sculpting :) take photos :) fishing :( sculpting :( take photos :) fishing :( sculpting :) take photos :) fishing :) 10 / 30 10. My favourite game is - - - . Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. doing origami going camping playing dodgeball going roller skating 11 / 30 11. Yağmur : We need a racket and a ball to play it . Yağmur hangi oyunu anlatıyor? Table tennis Ice skating Soccer Swimming 12 / 30 - - - marbles - - - roller skating 12. Sırasıyla boşlukları doldurunuz. make - go have - do make - have play - go 13 / 30 13. (Asya) ride a bike :) Chinese whispers :( hopscotch :) Verilen bilgilere göre hangisi doğrudur? Asya dislikes riding a bike. Asya doesn't like hopscotch and Chinese whispers. Asya loves playing hopscotch. Asya likes playing Chinese whispers. 14 / 30 PLAY M_RBLES T_KE PHOTOS 14. İki kelimedeki eksik olan ortak harf hangisidir? E O U A 15 / 30 15. Sarah and Kevin love going - - - after school. Verilen resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. tag sculpting ice-skating roller skating 16 / 30 16. Kağan is good at riding a bike. So, he - - - it. Boşluğu doldurunuz. doesn't like hates doesn't love loves 17 / 30 17. PLAY TEN_IS GO FISHI_G İki kelimedeki eksik olan ortak harf hangisidir? G M I N 18 / 30 18. TUESDAY->hiking FRIDAY->puzzle SATURDAY->soccer SUNDAY->swim What does Ela do on weekdays? puzzle-soccer hiking-swim puzzle-hiking swim-soccer 19 / 30 19. Aylin:I like hiking,chess and tag but I dislike basketball. Which activity does NOT Aylin like? Tag Basketball Hiking Chess 20 / 30 20. - - - chess - - - blind man's buff - - - hopscotch Bu ifadeler için ortak fiil hangisidir? go have draw play 21 / 30 21. - - - fishing - - - hiking - - - camping Verilen ifadeler için ortak fiil hangisidir? go play have do 22 / 30 22. Ersin : We draw some squares on the ground and we jump. Ersin hangi oyunu anlatıyor? Sculpting Going fishing Playing checkers Playing hopscotch 23 / 30 23. MONDAY-> tag WEDNESDAY->origami FRIDAY->camping SATURDAY->fishing What does Rıdvan do at weekends? fishing origami camping tag 24 / 30 İpek : Do you like collecting stamps? Sena : - - -. 24. Sena bu soruya nasıl cevap verir? Yes, I do Yes, I can No, I am not No, I can't 25 / 30 25. _lay _hinese _hispers Eksik olan harfleri bulunuz. P-K-W P-C-W P-T-V P-C-V 26 / 30 - - - stamps - - - blind man's buff 26. Sırasıyla boşlukları doldurunuz. collect - play make - go do - make play - collect 27 / 30 27. Alya doesn't play hangman. Because she doesn't - - - it. Boşluğu doldurunuz. dislike can like hate 28 / 30 28. - - - tag - - - hangman - - - dodgeball Bu ifadeler için ortak fiil hangisidir? make go play do 29 / 30 29. Arda can - - - but I can't. Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayınız. ride a horse play marbles play domino draw a picture 30 / 30 30. They love - - - in their free time. Resme göre boşluğu doldurunuz. playing hangman playing tic-tac-toe taking photos doing puzzles Your score is Yeniden Başlat Testi değerlendirmek için lütfen yıldızları kontrol edin Geri Bildirim Gönder Henüz bir sonuç yok.